Ponzinomics traces the invention and history of "MLM" as a disguised pyramid scheme and its evolution to cultism.
It lays out the MLM pyramid structure, money transfer formula, and exposes the delusional dogmas about "belief" overcoming market and math realities. It defines MLM as a destructive belief promoted by pyramid predators, intent on capturing minds for financial, sexual and personal exploitation. The pyramid scheme is MLM's illicit system of gaining money. "Direct selling" is its false identity for luring consumers and evading law enforcement. MLM's utopian promises, assumed power to dispense wealth and happiness and its devious methods of enrollment, persuasion and control constitute a delusional belief system capable of mental enslavement.
The reality of MLM presented in Ponzinomics is shared by many consumer advocates, bloggers, independent researchers, podcasters, millions of victims, and an increasing number of attorneys and journalists. Get your copy here: https://amzn.to/3y276u1
At a recent consumer conference on MLM, government regulators on a panel were asked to offer an example of a "legitimate" MLM that is not a pyramid scheme. No regulator responded with even one company name. To date, no regulator has ever publicly named a single MLM that matches their alternate reality of 'legitimate MLM', in real reality there is no difference between illegal pyramid schemes and MLMs. The reality, presented in Ponzinomics, is based on statistical studies, lawsuits and prosecutions that consistently show 99% consumer loss rates and absence of "direct (retail) selling". It is founded also on direct experience and innumerable accounts of family, career, and social damage, along with countless accounts of cult persuasion and control methods. As it turns out, the stories and the experiences are the same the world over.
The Ponzinomics reality is founded on systematic reviews of over 400 MLMs including MLM contracts, business model analyses, pay plans, policies, rules, and disclosures that consistently show calculated deception and inherentfraudulence producing massive and inevitable consumer losses. As it turns out, the MLM structure, operations, pay system, recruiting methods and devastating financial consequences are the same the world over. With thanks to Robert L FitzPatrick for putting these words to 'paper' in a recent newsletter from his website: https://www.pyramidschemealert.org This page contains sponsored links to my Amazon affiliate page and any purchases contribute to keeping this blog online.