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The MLM Graveyard

Many people won’t believe or admit that Inventory Front-loading is a thing and despite of what MLMs claim it happens all over the world.

The MLM Graveyard - what’s left after you leave an MLM, the garage sales, the Going Out Of Business sales, the listings on Marketplace and eBay and other selling sites.

In the interes of exposing the truth, I created a video with all the inventory that I had left after leaving my MLM. This video was made a year after I had left. At that point I had already returned products to the company against their 90% buy-back policy. The amount of products that I returned were a Retail value of £2,638.00 and only represents anything I still had in my inventory that I purchased in the 12 months prior to me quitting the MLM. I was only ever going to receive 90% of what I paid for the products, so that’s wholesale minus 10%, the invoice below shows the amount that I should’ve received back was £1,461.92.

You’ll also see the account balance of £273.11, which is the amount that the MLM chose not to pay me back, without explanation. This was after I had already got into an exchange with them about a higher outstanding amount and they paid me just around £125.

In my opinion; any honest business would settle their accounts in full and own up to their mistakes. They already withheld 10% for ‘administrative fees’, so why withhold even more?

After I returned the products to the company I tried to sell as much of the products as I could, at a 70% discount, so I made a loss as I paid more than that for all of them. After all those products there’s still products left, which I have put on a video here:

be sure to subscribe to my channel for updates and other videos.

I’ll be honest, my inventory software tally for just the beauty products stands at £7,250 Grand Total Cost of Goods left in inventory, that’s what I paid for these products. And then i haven’t even discussed the banners, bags, labels, packaging, storage boxes, etc. All additional ’hidden’ costs to “running your own MLM business“.

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